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t shirt printing tips,訂製tee、繡花Polo衫、個性化衛衣, 定係印班tee,提供印衫服務,為香港多個機構、各大院校訂造各類團體衫或私人訂製

T-Shirt Printing Tips
for Better Results

So you've spent a few sleepless nights to finish off your design piece, and you're desperately wanting to place your order from us. Before you do that, here are some tips we've gathered over the years to help you get the print results you will be proud of.

經過多日來嘅不眠不休,絞盡腦汁,你嘅偉大設計終於完成,好有衝動想第一時間聯絡APIXEL落order印衫! 落單前可以先考慮以下幾個我們累積多年經驗得來的小貼士,如何將你的傑作印在衣服上之後,能得出一個令你自豪的滿意效果。

Use the right tools

Choose the right design software not only makes your design process goes easier and smoother, it could save you from a lot of unnecessary troubles too. Adobe's Photoshop (PS) and Illustrator (AI) are the two most popular softwares among experienced graphic designers. The free design platform, Canva, brings DIY design to a whole new level for the novice designers. No matter what, you should look for a design tool that gives you enough options to export your work to different file formats and resolutions. It is a huge frustration if your printing result isn't good simply because you cannot provide a high resolution image to the printing shop.


選擇合適的電腦軟件不但令你進行設計時事半功倍,往後還會給你省卻很多不必要的麻煩。Adobe的Photoshop (PS) 及Illustrator (AI) 是平面設計中的王牌,是專業設計師最常用的設計軟件。免費的網上設計平台Canva亦是一個不錯的選擇。不論是專業的,還是方便初學者採用的,首要先考慮這軟件是否能給予你輸出不同檔案格式和解像度的選項。若然你完成設計後才發現輸出的解像度不足,而導致打印後效果不佳,那後果就不堪設想了。

t shirt design tools
Ensure file format and image quality

Whether you use a professional design suite, or online graphic design platforms to work on your design, you should be sure to save your file in correct format and requirement.


If you're using JPEG or PNG (bitmap format), be sure the file has at least 200 dpi (ideally 300 dpi) at full size. Images from the web are typically 72 dpi, and not at the size to be printed. Don't use WhatsApp (or similar kind of mobile apps) to transfer you files as they will reduce the image quality severely.


Using AI or EPS (vector format) can save you from worrying about resolution because they can be resized freely. It’s always a good idea to 'embed' all linked images into the file itself to avoid missing images error. Likewise, use the 'Create Outlines' function to turn all fonts into outline form to ensure we can still be able to print the font without having to have the font installed on our system.




如果你選擇採用JPEG或PNG(點陣圖)作為輸出檔案,要確保原大尺寸檔案擁有200dpi或以上(理想是300dpi) 的解像度。一般在網上找下來的圖片都只有72dpi,不足夠應付高質素的印刷要求。千萬不要利用WhatsApp等的手機軟件來傳遞檔案,因為在傳遞過程中這些軟件都會將圖案的質素削減。



t shrt design high resolution
Set a modest print size

A common mistake is people set their design and promotion slogans to maximum print size to ensure they are eye-catching to their audiences. It is usually not the case on a t-shirt. Not only it feels too bold and overwhelming, it can also end up turning your colleagues into some human billboards.



t shirt print size
Get the placement right

With today's printing techniques, the print positions on a shirt are getting more flexibility and options. The front and back of the shirt are still the most common placement locations. It is placed about 10cm below the collar and usually extends over the top half of the chest. Large part of our masterpiece will go missing when the person who wears the shirt is sitting down, if you choose to belly print on the lower part of the shirt.



t shirt print placement

 Are you ready to place your order? 


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